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AI and marketing – a love story?

Artificial intelligence is now a firmly established force in the world of marketing. Having said that, there are also areas that AI hasn’t made its mark on yet. What are the next steps? What makes sense and what doesn’t? Is it a love story, or just a fleeting hype? What are the risks and how are marketers dealing with them? And, above all, what really creates added value for the consumer?

AI is already on the way to becoming a reality in marketing – it is no longer a summer romance, but already a solid, long-term relationship. Those who make good use of artificial intelligence to improve their customer experience will wonder how they ever managed without it. What can they share with those who are only just taking their first, tentative steps?

If AI is the ‘new normal’ of marketing, what does that mean for marketers? What do they need to do to stay fit? What will their task be? And what will set them apart? 


Language: German

The Host

Marc Suchland

Regional Vice President

Marketing Cloud
